Raman Yakauleuski about lifted sanctions: Americans fulfil their obligations

The US Ministry of Finance has lifted the sanctions imposed on Belarusian enterprises “Lakafarba” and “Shklovalakno” for six months. The accounts of “Belnaftahim” are to be released soon. An international observer Raman Yakauleuski thinks that we are witnesses of “a real time strategy”:

"It is a real step made after the release of Kazulin, Parsyukevich and Kim. Americans are fulfilling their obligations.  It was claimed that if the first demand (the release of political prisoners) is fulfilled, there will be some steps made in response to it. The steps have been made”.

Let us note that Alyaksandr Lukashenka claimed that the USA and the European Union had not made any steps to let Belarus normalize relations with the Weston on August 29. The US Secretary of State Robert Wood noted that the USA was considering the possibility of lifting sanctions imposed on Belarus if the official Minsk started political reforms.