Odd crimes listed in US

A rating of the most absurd crimes committed in 2007 has been published in the United States. Almost all of those who appeared on this list are sitting behind bars. A 38-year-old resident of New York City tried to steal fuel from a parked car.

To get access to the fuel, the man used a drilling bit which produced sparks, thus causing a fire. The blaze destroyed four vehicles, before the criminal was arrested. Another "cheery fellow" was smoking marijuana at a police station where he dropped in to pick a police certificate.

The list also includes a thief who stole five rattlesnakes from a lab and tried to sneak them out in his bosom. The man ended up in a critical condition in a hospital. On the top of the list is a Connecticut man who terrorized the 911 rescue service, urging them to fetch him a beer, because he would allegedly die otherwise.

He was very surprised to face officers with the arrest warrant instead of paramedics with beers, reports ORT.