Ziser: We are still in search of form for dialogue

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They considered the offer of head of Minsk union of entrepreneurs and sellers Uladzimir Karahin to create a civil association of 10 active participants of the former council. Participant of the meeting, general director of the portal TUT.by Yury Ziser has told Euroradio about the results of the meeting.

Euroradio: What did they talk about and how did they react to the latest news from Makey?

Ziser: It wasn't the meeting of the entire civil-consultative council, only the initiative group the members of which wanted to continue their work, and made suggestions with regard to amendments to the current bylaw. Frankly speaking, this work has been suspended totally unexpectedly for us. However, we have formed such a collective for spring-summer, there appeared a feeling of common values, in the first place, the dialogue in the society, that someone needs to take responsibility for this function. All the others just snap at each other, while we have a dialogue as a main value. We were in search for a form, and I think this search will be continued, as it is unclear, for example, who we consult, although there are many experts among us. We do not know how we are going to be called, but it is most likely we will change the name.

Euroradio: Makey's presence created this opportunity for the dialogue between the authorities and the society, and now it's the dialogue between the society and the society.

Ziser: You know, this is also necessary as some representatives of the society would rather eat each other.

Euroradio: You mean, the council's activity helps to make the positions closer in any way?

Ziser: Certainly. The society needs consolidation on the basis of common values. Our common value is Belarus.

Euroradio: Did you decide to create an official civil association of active participants of the former council?

Ziser: Yes. We considered different civil-legal forms but did not reach any concrete opinion.