Verdict on Pavel Sevyarynets to be brought at 5.20 p.m. today

The verdict on Pavel Sevyarynets will be brought in Maskouski District Court of Brest at 5.20 p.m. today. The judge Volha Smirnova interrogated one more witness for the defense before the break. 

Let us remind you that Sevyarynets is accused of having organized an unauthorized meeting. A presentation of Pavel Sevyarynets’s book “Letters from the forest” took place in the office of Brest affiliate of BNF on August 19. About 30 people were present there.

The police detained everyone but released them a bit later. Protocols were drawn up against some people. Sevuarynets’s trial started yesterday.

The coordinator of creation of the “Belarusian Christian Democracy” party Andrei Lyubyanchuk told ERB that “nobody was expecting a verdict of not guilty”.

According to him, Smirnova has already sentenced many Brest democratic activists to detention.