"Young Front"'s appeal to Lukashenka declined

The "Young Front" - an organization registered in the Czech Republic - wrote an appeal to the Belarusian leader. The youngsters demand to release and rehabilitate political prisoners — Zmitser Dashkevich, Edward Lobau, Mikalaj Statkevich, Zmitser Bandarenka, Andrej Sannikau, Dzmitry Us, Paval Sieviarynets, Yauhen Vaskovich, Mikalaj Autukhovich, Ales Byalyatski.

The "Young Front" Vice-Chairman Mikalaj Dzemidzenka brought the appeal to the reception office of the President's Administration. Head of the reception office Ihar Lamanosau read the appeal but refused to accept it. According to Dzemidzenka's words quoted by the "Young Front" press-center, Lamanosau referred to the fact that the organization was not registered in Belarus. The offical claimed that the activists could file their appeal at the place of their registration - the Czech Republic.

After this, Dzemidzenka sent the appeal to the Administration via mail.