Official trade unions demand "decent payment for work" at demonstration

Official trade unions held a festive manifestation in the Yanka Kupala Square in Minsk on May 1 - the International Day of Labour. Workers of Minsk state enterprises, representatives of some private establishments, and also foreign guests participated in it. In particular, Minsk head Mikalaj Ladutska has informed that a delegation from Cuba arrived to celebrate the Day of Labour in Minsk.

There were many various slogans at the demonstration.

The slogan about the "decent salary" stood out among them all. It could be spotted not once, not twice and even not three times. Almost every second working collective expressed the wish to be "normally paid for normal work" in different forms. 

"Milavitsa" flags at the demonstration of the trade unions.

"Kommunarka" organized sells of sweets and chocolate with 15% discount in honour of the holiday.

Blacksmiths turned into cooks and cooked barbeque.

There were traditional Soviet slogans as well.

Leanid Kozik, head of the Belarusian Federation of Trade Unions, greets everyone with the holiday.

Some of the slogans and appeals were originally designed.

Mayor of Minsk Mikalaj Ladutska has said in his speech that those who urge to impose economic sanctions on Belarus should be blamed for low salaries.

State symbols acquired unusual forms at the May 1 demonstration. 

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There were much more passive participants of the demonstration than speakers and posters holders. They drank beer and ate barbeque peacefully in the shade.