Navapolatsk ticket collector pulled by the hair (video)

The incident occurred on Monday, November 26. One of the passengers pulled the female ticket collector by the hair.

Alyaksandr Bukatneu, deputy director of passenger transportation of autopark #6 told Euroradio:

"The ticket collector was at work yesterday evening. She noticed two infringers. You have already seen the video. A man who was standing near the front door took the video with his cell phone. The ticket collector saw that a video was being made. I do not know whether the infringers saw it. She called the police but they had fled. Thanks to the video, the police know whom they should be looking for."

Ticket collector Lyudmila Shahryna was working second shift, Alyaksandr Bukatnyou says. A man started pushing her out of the bus at about 10.08 p.m. at the bus stop "Naftan" and then at "Byarozka" at 10.25 p.m. She says that she did not even check his fare. Another man started helping him. The ticket collector says that they were drunk.

The ticket collector called the police after the incident but the men had disappeared. She lodged a complaint in the police office.

Video by — "Charter'97"