Ministry of Internal Affairs asks to postpone travel ban trials

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have not appeared in court. They have only sent a  letter to court.

Aleh Hulak: "The trial started 1.5 hours later than appointed - they were waiting for something from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, a letter from the Ministry was delivered and read out: they asked to postpone the trial until 10 p.m. on Friday, July 20. Bandarenka and Lyabedzka's hearings have also been postponed. Lyabedzka's hearing will take place tomorrow and Bandarenka's - tomorrow afternoon".

Let us remind you that the human rights defender is trying to appeal the actions of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hulak received a notification forbidding him to leave the state starting from March 5, 2012 on March 13. According to the reference, he had been sued for something. Hulak lodged a complaint about the actions of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the illegal travel ban. The hearing was appointed for April 6 but was postponed for an uncertain term back then.