KGB’s third search in Sannikau and Halip’s flat

KGB searched the flat belonging to ex-candidate Andrei Sannikau and journalist Iryna Halip for the third time on April 8. The journalist’s mother, Lyutsyna Byalzatskaya, has informed Svaboda about it.

According to Lyutsyna Byalzatskaya , neither she nor 3-year-old Danik were at home during the search. However, he has already witnessed such actions of KGB. He was sitting still”, - recalled Danik’s grandmother.

Lyutsyna Byalzatskaya does not know the reason for one more search preformed by KGB in Sannikau and Halip’s flat. Iryna finished studying her case papers on April 7. She is named as an organizer of events rudely violating the order in the case.