Kavalyou thinks that Kanavalau did not conduct blast in Minsk metro

In his opinion, Dzmitry Kanavalau did not conduct any blasts - not in 2005, not in 2011, interfax.by reports.

Kavalyou has said that he confessed in failure to report about the blast during the investigation because he heard Kanavalau screaming from behind the wall. The investigators allegedly told Kavalyou that they would sentence him to two years of imprisonment for failure to report, and would not accuse him of terrorism. Kavalyou says that he gave testimony because he was frightened by the possible execution. Alongside with that, he has confirmed that no violence was used against him.

Kavalyou has also told that Dzmitry Kanavalau was very cheerful after the blast in metro, he joked and laughed a lot.