Judges who convicted Square participants got promoted

The judge of the Frunze district court of Minsk Tatsiana Charkas who convicted Aliaksandr Malchanau, Dzmitry Novik and Aliaksandr Atroshchankau to 3-4 years of imprisonment for participation in the action on December 10, 2010, got promoted. Aliaksandr Lukashenka awarded the judge with a third qualification category by his decree No. 169 dated April 19. Tatsiana Charkas has been banned from entering the European Union after that trial.

The judge of the Central district court of Homel Tatsiana Shvets was also promoted to the next qualification category by the same decree.She sentenced the activist of the democratic forces Jauhen Jakavenka to 1 year of imprisonment on June 4, 2010. Jauhen was struggling for the right for alternative non-military service, and was accused of avoining the military draft.