Disclamation of anticipated terrorists' names may threaten their families

Representaives of the KGB's center of information and public relations and General public prosecutor's press-center have said to "Ejednevnik" that disclamation of anticipated terrorists' names may create another threat to lives and health of the Belarusian citizens.

"You should understand why their names were not disclaimed. There were two aspects. First, the investigation is in process and disclamation of names may interrupt it. Secondly, there is a moral component. There may be a counter-wave of violence after disclamation of the names. That's what we are speaking about. We should not reveal their names for the sake of security of their relatives and just people around. I don't know why they did that. They either don't realise the possible consequences or follow a certain purpose, like being the first, or the best", — the head of the KGB's center of information and public relations Aliaksandr Antanovich has said.

As for the question whether any measures will be implemented against those who revealed the suspects' names, A.Antanovich has said the following: "General public prosecutor said enough in this regard and it would have been incorrect of me to interprete him".