OSCE representative condemns attack on tut.by journalist

Прадстаўніца АБСЕ па пытаннях свабоды СМІ асудзіла напад на журналіста tut.by

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, condemned the fact that the police beat reporter of TUT.BY Pavel Dabravolsky. Mijatovic has once again called on the Belarusian authorities to ensure the protection of journalists.

"I urge the authorities to immediately investigate the incident. Such actions of law enforcement officials against members of the media are unacceptable. The police should facilitate the work of journalists, and not to disturb and intimidate them," the press service of "BAJ" quoted the statement of the OSCE representative.

Also, the OSCE Representative again urged the Belarusian authorities to stop the persecution of freelancers.
