Number of Chernobyl-contaminated villages reduced by 203

Саўмін скараціў колькасць забруджаных Чарнобылем вёсак на 203

The number of settlements in areas of radioactive contamination in Belarus has been decreased by 203 units. This follows from the resolution of the Council of Ministers of 11 January. The document is called "On approving the list of settlements and facilities located in areas of radioactive contamination, and repeal of certain decisions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus."

According to the new list, in the areas of radioactive contamination there are now 2,193 settlements and 52 facilities. In the previous list, approved five years ago, in February 2010, there were 203 units more (of facilities - 20 more units). The number of people living in the settlements which are now outside the contaminated areas, is 30,912 people.