Ivashkevich: Repressions have not frightened people - they have made them angry

The Belarusian Christian Democracy and the Belarusian Popular Front have summarized losses, discussed the Belarusian society after December 19 and told how they are going to achieve their almost identical goals, but separately.  The Belarusian democratic forces conducted two press-conferences in a row on December 27. The activists of the "Belarusian Christian Democracy" party gathered together first at 11 a.m. in their demolished office - those few activists who are still free. 

Paval Sieviarynets' mother Tatsiana has told how she looked for her son and other BCD activists at night on December 19, and shared her opinion of what happened at the Square.

"It looks like this provocation has been prepared since the moment of announcement of the election date, — said Tatsiana Sieviarynets. — I think so. I wish mothers of those people who came out to the Square to defend their convictions will be proud of them, and mothers whose sons beat people at the Square will be ashamed..."

In spite of the fact that many BCD activists are detained, the party continues its activity. However, it is obvious that it is very hard and painful for them to work now. 

"There is a situation in our country when peaceful demonstrants are imprisoned. And the people who beat them with their heavy boots and couldn't hold back their aggression are free, preparing to celebrate the holidays with their families, — said Vital Rymasheuski's wife Nasta, who came to the press-conference with their daughter Eva. — The question is not that somebody should be punished, but that if some people cannot stop the evil inside of them, someone else should do it.

Also, I would like to say I am proud that Vital is my husband and that there were his allies together with him at the Square, allies like Paval Sieviarynets, who never let him down".

The BCD's nearest aim is to help the people who suffered during dispersal of demonstration on December 19. The BPF party set the same priority when declared the creation of the Coordination committee of civil solidarity with political prisoners on December 27.

"We need to unite in action, — think the party members. — It is not enough to create a structure, to appoint leaders and be happy with it. The original feature of this initiative is that it is an appeal to act together, not just to create a structure".

The BPF Chairman Aliaksej Janukevich has said, answering the question "To how many years back did our country return after December 19?", "How many years passed since 1937? Seriously speaking, ...

"...these repressions have not frightened people, they've made them angry, — thinks the BPF's Vice-Chairman Victar Ivashkevich. — The people who never participated in the political life and have not come to the manifestation on December 19 discussed the situation in their working collectives and collected money - and somehow they realised that many of them had one and the same thoughts, through their anger and desire to help!"

The BPF office looks like warehouse now - it is full with packages with blankets, warm clothes, water, books and other things which people donated to the detained on December 19. It turned out it was much easier to unite the society by a common grief, than by certain political ideas.