Independence Avenue blocked by driving inspectorate in Minsk (UPDATED)

18.30. There are driving inspectors every 150-200 meters along Independence Avenue. There are also police cars there, Euroradio reporter Ales Piletski informs. A few groups of policemen in plain clothes are patrolling October Square.

There are not many cars in the avenue itself. There are fewer cars than any other workdays. It may be explained by the fact that many people are still on winter vacations.

18.10 Driving inspectors are making drivers stop in Zaharau and Kisyalyou Streets, witnesses say.

Another Stop Tax action was advertised in social networks and appointed for January 3. It is directed against the new car tax. The tax was introduced on January 1, 2014.

Dec.20 protest action attracted many people. However, the authorities managed to disrupt a similar action on December 27.

Photo: Euroradio archives