Hrodna gives example of the worst act of vandalism in post-war Europe

Let me remind you that the scientific council headed by the deputy Minister of Culture Uladzimir Hrydziushka approved the plan of destruction of about 40 or 44 houses in the historic centre of Hrodna. According to unofficial sources, it was also announced that the “cleaned” territory would be sold to domestic or Russian investors.
What can public figures do to protect the historic heritage of Belarus and how do authorities comment on the decision?

A representative of Hrodna City Executive Committee Volha Matsko, responsible for protection of monuments, and Syarhey Dubavets from Hrodna department of Ideology commented the decision with irritation:

Matsko: “You are telling me about some 40 houses. I do not understand what you are talking about. If you got this information from some source, better ask those who distributed it!”

And then she added there was no decision like that.

No historians or public figures were allowed at that meeting but a Hrodna historian Andrei Vashkevich managed to get there. He says the information is true and notes that it is impossible to make the authorities change their mind. The only thing that can be done is standing up staunchly for the city:

“It is very hard to influence the situation officially. We have already turned to all kinds of organizations. The City Executives Committee, the Region Executive Committee, the President’s Administration, the Ministry of Architecture and Culture and the Ministry of Construction. We turned to the Office of Public Prosecutor in connection with “reconstruction” of Savetskaya Square. I do not know who else we can talk to”.

Activists of the United Civil Party of Belarus sent an appeal to Hrodna Executive Committee asking for permission to organize pickets in support of Hrodna on May 11, 2007.

Alyaksandr Mіlіnkevіch said the following:

“I got to know about it today. The things happening reveal a large gap between the educated part of the society and the authorities. I hope we will do everything possible to protect the city. It weren’t them who built it and they have no right to destroy it.

The most important thing for me now is to arouse the feelings of people able to express protest and to organize protest actions. I will postpone everything and go to Hrodna to discuss it within the next few days”.

The head of Hrodna BNF affiliate Vadzim Saranchukou also shared his plans with us:

“We have taken a decision to identify those buildings and attach information plates we have already prepared on them. There is an alternative project of reconstruction of the city we are going to collect signatures for.

I would not like to tell everything now, but if people living in those houses refuse to move out it will be enough for the houses to remain. We lay our hopes on those who live there or pass by those houses every day”.

It seems that the gap between educated people and the authorities is really big. Otherwise they would have recalled the words of a French sculptor Auguste Rodin: “In the name of your ancestors and for your children, please do not ruin anything and do not restore anything else”.

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