Hrabouski and Kastsitsyn Jr. fight during match again (video)

Belarusian NHL legionnaires Mihail Hrabouski from “Toronto” and Syarhei Kastsitsyn from “Montreal” have fought during a match again. It happened not long before the end of the match. “Salidarnast” informs that the fight was started by Hrabouski (unlike last time) who behaved in a very rude way from the start. As a result, the referees sent both Belarusians off the field for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, Kastsytsyn Sr. scored a goal, made two goal passes and became the second star of the match. “Montreal” defeated “Toronto” - 6:2.

Let us remind you that one more fight of Belarusian national team’s leaders took place last November. The incident occurred after Kastsitsyn Jr. attacked Hrabouski. In response to it, Mihail pushed his compatriot but the referees stopped the Belarusians. Hrabouski’’s club “Toronto” won 6:3 then and Mihail said that he did not really like his old club.