German government promises to support UCP at presidential elections

The working visit of the United Civic Party's delegation to Germany is over, informs the web-site of the United Democratic Forces. The leader of the party Anatol Liabedzka, as well as the Vice-Chairman of the UCP Jaraslau Ramanchuk who will run for President, had a series of meetings in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Chancellor's Administration and in Bundestag. Belarusian delegation also included Professor Stanislau Bahdankevich, the former Prime-Minister of Belarus Mikhail Chyhir, one of the leaders of the female movement in Belarus Liudmila Petsina and the human rights activist Antanina Kavaliova.
According to the UCP Chairman Anatol Liabedzka, they found support in Berlin. They were assured in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that sanctions with regard to Belarusian officials would not be abolished. Bundestag intends to join international observation of the electoral campaign in Belarus.