Former opposition candidates removed from live TV talk-show

Former UDF candidates Ales Mikhalevich and Yaraslau Ramanchuk will not appear tonight on ONT's talk-show Vybar (Choice). Yesterday's invitations have been politely called off. Вось што распавёў у інтэрв'ю Еўрарадыё Яраслаў Раманчук:

"A journalist from ONT called me and said that my candidature was awaiting approval from the management and if she did not call back, it would mean that I would not appear on the show. It was a polite refusal", Yaraslau Ramanchuk told the European Radio for Belarus.

Ales Mikhalevich received a similar call as well. The secretary asked for apologies and noted that "not everything depended on us". The politician is confident she was not lying:

"Now that it is clear that Lukashenka is not going to play in any liberalization games like the opposition in the parliament, the television channel has also decided to make a step back. They do not want some opposing views to be voiced live on the television".