BNF reveals the pro-Moscow candidate

All the president contenders were suggested to sign the "Manifest on Defense of National Interests". The BNF party presented the "Manifest on Defense of National Interests". All the opposition candidates for President will be suggested to sign it, apart from Haidukevich.

“Now it's time for every candidate for President to decide for himself. Whether we are ready to play the Russian scenario, whether we are ready to depose Lukashenka with Moscow hands for Moscow, or we build a Belarusian scenario for Belarusians”, – stated the leader of the BNF party Aliaksei Janukevich.

In case they come to power, those who sign the Manifest promise to leave the CSTO and the Customs Union, to grant priority in defense and development of the Belarusian language etc. It is also stated in the document that econimical amd political independence of Belarus is threatened not only by the current Belarusian regime, but also by higher political circles of Russia and the oligarchs, connected with them.

To the opinion of Janukevich, 2 opposition centers can be created during the elections. One of them will struggle for Russia's interests, the other one will struggle for Belarusian interests. Thus, the BNF leader appealed to everyone who is ready to defend the national interests, to unite. Alongside with that, Janukevich stated that the BNF candidate for President Ryhor Kastusyou has bigger potential to unite all the pro-Belarusian forces, than Aliaksandr Milinkevich. He has already gathered 1 thousand people in his initiative group, and the main allies of Kastusyou are the organizations-members of the Belarusian Pro-Independence Block.

“We work together. We will work together. We will conduct elections together as well, – stated Kastusyou. – The experience of previous years makes us worry that the decision about the sole candidate can be forced from outside. Common work within the electoral campaign, and unification should happen inside of Belarus, by the forces which care about independence and sovereignty of the country”.

It is expected that "Manifest" will be sent via courier mail to each of the potential candidates for President. Probably, this way it will be revealed who supports the idea of independence and who is on the Russian side.

Photo: ByMedia