Anatol Tozik calculates average wage in Belarus - $1200

Deputy Prime Minister Anatol Tozik made a speech in the National Assembly on December 20, and said that the current average salary in the country by purchasing power parity exceeded $ 1,200. Speaking about absolute numbers, the salary is about $ 400.

The official explained the triple increase by the fact  that the salaries are calculated according to the method of international comparisons. Tozik noted that it must not be forgotten that the prices for goods and services vary in different countries when we compare the salaries.

Financial analyst Vadzim Iosub supported the principle referred to by the Deputy Prime Minister in a comment to Euroradio:

Iosub: "It’s not a very clear figure - $ 1,200. Which method did they use? This number can be discussed. However, the general idea makes sense. Simply compare nominal wages, that is to say, the average salary in Belarus, for example, is $ 500, while in Europe - $2000 dollars, is not very well. Because really, there are different prices. "

According to the experts, many prices in Belarus are actually lower than worldwide. Therefore, Iosub recommends to evaluate wages in accordance with specific consumer basket and the specific country.

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