9 Belarusian cities to be included in Lithuanian border zone

The press attaché of the Belarusian Embassy to Lithuania has informed ERB about it.
Press attaché: “The cities are Hrodna, Lida, Astravets, Ashmyany, Smarhon, Shchuchyn, Myadzel, Pastavy and Braslau. Rural districts will also be included in it alongside with the big cities”.

ERB has already informed that a zone of simplified border control will be created for Belarusian and Lithuanian citizens. It will stretch 50 kilometers away from each side of the state border. Inhabitants of the border zone will be able to visit the neighbouring country without visas – they will be given special certificates”.

According to the press service, another round of Belarusian-Lithuanian negotiations about the border zone will be organized soon.