125th anniversary of Yakub Kolas is celebrated in Stoubtsy District

A celebration dated for the 125th anniversary of the national Belarusian poet Yakub Kolas is taking place in Stoubtsy District. Apart from local inhabitants, members of the Union of Writers of Belarus, representatives of the state authorities, diplomats and journalists are participating in the ceremony.  The participants visited the manor of Akinchytsy, the national poet’s birthplace, and then got acquainted with works of a yearly children’s arts planner.

Then they visited the Albuts manor, where Kolas first met Yanka Kupala in 1912. A bit later everyone moved to the manor of Smolnya to see an exposition in the affiliate of Yakub Kolas literary museum. After flowers had been laid to the poet’s monument in the village of Mikalaeushchyna, the celebration continued in the village of Stary Sverzhan.