Salary in Belarus

We have looked into the salaries of Belarusians / @rubanau_collage

We have looked into the salaries of Belarusians / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Exactly half of Belarusians earn less than 1,499 BYN or 470 USD per month.


Propagandists receive salaries that are much higher than average.
Belarusians wouldn't have to save on food if life were like it is on the state TV / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Belarusians wouldn't have to save on food if life were like it is on the state TV / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Revenues are very unevenly distributed and will fall further.
Instead of making real changes to trade with the West, Lukashenka would rather emphasize the danger from Russia / AP
Instead of making real changes to trade with the West, Lukashenka would rather emphasize the danger from Russia / AP
The 'sanctions making us stronger' talk is going away, but authorities are not ready for real changes.
Stability in the Belarusian economy means it is regularly bad / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Stability in the Belarusian economy means it is regularly bad / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Although the economy is falling, Belarusians feel better off
The fall of the economy into the abyss has stalled / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
The fall of the economy into the abyss has stalled / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
We can forget about economic growth for a long time.
Belarusians don't want to fill in the holes in the labor market because of poor working conditions /​
Belarusians don't want to fill in the holes in the labor market because of poor working conditions /​
There are not enough workers in Belarus. This may become another brake on the economy, the EDB warns.
Money / Euroradio​
Money / Euroradio​
Almost 37% of Belarusians expect further decline in income. Only 6.3% are positive about future.
Their average monthly salary is BYN555 or $266.