Minsk's Dinamo stadium to host 2019 European Games opening ceremony

Адкрыццё Еўрапейскіх гульняў-2019 пройдзе на мінскім стадыёне "Дынама"

The opening ceremony of 2019 European Games will take place at the reconstructed Dinamo Stadium in Minsk. The arena will open before the end of 2017, Minsk City Administration head Andrei Shorets told Belarus 1 TV channel.

Shorets: "Our main task is to finish the construction of a new field-and-track Dinamo Stadium, which will host the opening of the European Games and some of its competitions. The gymnastics center will also be available."

According to Shorets, Gymnastics Center will be commissioned in mid-2018. He noted that the next year will be key as "the foundation for the European Games in Minsk will be laid." The capital city will be "the main location of the venues to host most of the European Games competitions."